He took a sip of water from a glass in front of him, cleared his throat perfunctorily, and began speaking in a precise and even voice . 他端起面前的玻璃杯,呷了一口水,神气十足地清清嗓子,接着就以平稳的语调有板有眼地说开了。
The ship might have been moored in dock, so gently and on an even keel she slipped through the water, that did not murmur even at our passage, shadowy and silent like a phantom sea . 船在水面上十分平稳地滑行着,简直跟停泊在码头上一模一样。船行进时,周围一点水声也没有。四周一片黑沉沉的,静得象在鬼海上一样。
This helps keep applications running smoothly 这样有助于保持应用程序平稳运行。
In france and portugal , revenues remained stable 法国和葡萄牙的收入也相对平稳。