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  • Gerty macdowell bent down her head and crimsoned at the idea of cissy saying an unladylike thing like that out loud she d be ashamed of her life to say , flushing a deep rosy red , and edy boardman said she was sure the gentleman opposite heard what she said
  • Canon o hanlon put the blessed sacrament back into the tabernacle and the choir sang laudate dominum omnes gentes and then he locked the tabernacle door because the benediction was over and father conroy handed him his hat to put on and crosscat edy asked wasn t she coming but jacky caffrey called out
    接着,唱诗班唱起:列国啊,你们要颂赞上主71 !然后,他锁上圣,因为降福仪式已结束。康罗伊神父递给他帽子让他戴上。
  • But he was undeniably handsome with an exquisite nose and he was what he looked , every inch a gentleman , the shape of his head too at the back without his cap on that she would know anywhere something off the common and the way he turned the bicycle at the lamp with his hands off the bars and also the nice perfume of those good cigarettes and besides they were both of a size and that was why edy boardman thought she was so frightfully clever because he didn t go and ride up and down in front of her bit of a garden
  • Many a time and oft were they wont to come there to that favourite nook to have a cosy chat beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine , cissy caffrey and edy boardman with the baby in the pushcar and tommy and jacky caffrey , two little curlyheaded boys , dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the name h . m . s
    西茜卡弗里和伊迪博德曼将娃娃放在婴儿车里,还带着两个鬈发的小男孩汤米和杰基卡弗里。他们身穿水手服,头戴水手帽,衣帽上均印染着" h . m . s . 3美岛号"字样。
  • Gerty stifled a smothered exclamation and gave a nervous cough and edy asked what and she was just going to tell her to catch it while it was flying but she was ever ladylike in her deportment so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was the benediction because just then the bell rang out from the steeple over the quiet seashore because canon o hanlon was up on the altar with the veil that father conroy put round him round his shoulders giving the benediction with the blessed sacrament in his hands
    她差点儿对伊迪说,谁有工夫回答你这种过了时的问题!然而她是向来不忘记上流妇女的举止的,所以就十分机敏地说了句"正在举行降福仪式呢" ,就给敷衍过去了。刚好这当儿,宁静的海滨传来教堂的钟声,教堂蒙席正站在祭坛上肩上的纱中是康罗伊神父替他披上去的,手捧圣心,举行降福仪式。
  • Bertha supple told that once to edy boardman , a deliberate lie , when she was black out at daggers drawn with gerty the girl chums had of course their little tiffs from time to time like the rest of mortals and she told her not let on whatever she did that it was her that told her or she d never speak to her again
  • Edy began to get ready to go and it was high time for her and gerty noticed that that little hint she gave had the desired effect because it was a long way along the strand to where there was the place to push up the pushcar and cissy took off the twins caps and tidied their hair to make herself attractive of course and canon o hanlon stood up with his cope poking up at his neck and father conroy handed him the card to read off and he read out panem de clo prstitisti eis and edy and cissy were talking about the time all the time and asking her but gerty could pay them back in their own coin and she just answered with scathing politeness when edy asked her was she heartbroken about her best boy throwing her over
  • Miss puny little edy s countenance fell to no slight extent and gerty could see by her looking as black as thunder that she was simply in a towering rage though she hid it , the little kinnatt , because that shaft had struck home for her petty jealousy and they both knew that she was something aloof , apart in another sphere , that she was not of them and there was somebody else too that knew it and saw it so they could put that in their pipe and smoke it
  • Edy straightened up baby boardman to get ready to go and cissy tucked in the ball and the spades and buckets and it was high time too because the sandman was on his way for master boardman junior and cissy told him too that billy winks was coming and that baby was to go deedaw and baby looked just too ducky , laughing up out of his gleeful eyes , and cissy poked him like that out of fun in his wee fat tummy and baby , without as much as by your leave , sent up his compliments on to his brandnew dribbling bib
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