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  • Reading instruction is one of the most important parts of chinese instruction , but there are some problems in instructing problems such as attach importance to explain rather than read : listening instead of reading ; reading exteriorly instead of reading between the lines ; ignoring students " participation ; analyzing word for word instead of grasping meaning of the whole article and lack of cultivating creative thinking
    阅读教学在语文教学中是至关重要的一个组成部分,但在教学的实际过程中,却存在着诸如重视讲解、轻视阅读,以“析”代“读” 、以“听”代“读” ;以认读代替阅读;以肢解分析代替整体把握;忽视学生主体性的发挥;忽略学生创造性思维的培养等许多问题。
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