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  • Claude was probably a humbug , whose vanity , ambition , and intelligence led him to carve out a niche as the wickedest man in the world ; there is always room for a sadist at the top
  • And looking back through my work , i see that it is invariably where i lacked a political purpose that i wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages , sentences without meaninmeaning , decorative adjectives and humbug generally
  • This , par parenthese , will be thought cool language by persons who entertain solemn doctrines about the angelic nature of children , and the duty of those charged with their education to conceive for them an idolatrous devotion : but i am not writing to flatter parental egotism , to echo cant , or prop up humbug ; i am merely telling the truth
    Parenthese ,会被某些人视为过于冷淡,这些人持有庄严的信条,认为孩子要有天使般的本性,承担孩子教育责任者,应当对他们怀有偶象崇拜般的虔诚。不过这样写并不是迎合父母的利己主义,不是附和时髦的高论,不是支持骗人的空谈。我说的无非是真话。
  • Trelawney , said the doctor , contrary to all my notions , i believe you have managed to get two honest men on board with you - that man and john silver . silver , if you like , cried the squire ; but as for the intolerable humbug , i declare i think his conduct unmanly , unsailorly , and downright un - english
    “西尔弗,要是你愿意, ”乡绅嚷道, “但是至于那个让人无法忍受的空话家,我敢断言,我认为他的行为是没有大丈夫气概的,没有水手气概的,并且彻头彻尾不像个英国人。 ”
  • But will helped me through it - though perhaps you think me a humbug for saying it - and immediately afterwards i felt that , of all persons in the world whom it was my duty and desire to save from the wrath to come - sneer if you like - the woman whom i had so grievously wronged was that person
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