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  • She wandered about the house all that day , flushed , excited , and tearless , busying herself about the most trivial matters as though she had no notion of what was before her
  • It was owing to him , to his reserve and want of proper consideration , that wickham s character had been so misunderstood , and consequently that he had been received and noticed as he was
  • Question : some people do not realize yet that the soviet - german non - aggression treaty is the result of the breakdown of the anglo - french - soviet talks , but think that the soviet - german treaty caused the breakdown
  • He doesnt understand , and so i must explain it to him ; he must hear what i have to say about it , thought the old prince , and so he began to explain the reason why he could not put up with his daughters unreasonable character
    不明了,应当向他说明,要让他倾听我说的话。 ”老公爵想道。他开始说明他为什么对自己女儿的愚蠢性格不能容忍了。
  • What theory and science can there be of a subject of which the conditions and circumstances are uncertain and can never be definitely known , in which the strength of the active forces engaged can be even less definitely measured
  • Without changing the position of his raised feet , pierre gazed at them over his spectacles , and did not understand what they could want and how they all managed to live , without having solved the questions that absorbed him
  • Stem ce11 factor is a multipotent cytokine which is found in recent years , fol1owing research in vitro and in vivo found that scf and its receptors have familiar regu1ation function in mature brain with in embryo and developing period
    干细胞因子是近年来发现的一种多功能细胞因子。近年来研究发现,干细胞因子( stemcellfactor , scf )及其受体对胚胎期及成年后神经系统生长发育起调控作用,但其作用机制尚不明了
  • It is not only with you , in the centre of business and society , that people talk of nothing except war , for here also , amid those rustic labours and that calm of nature , which townspeople generally imagine in the country , rumours of war are heard and are felt painfully
  • The tsars horse reared at the unexpected sound . this horse , who had carried the tsar at reviews in russia , bore his rider here on the field of austerlitz , patiently enduring the heedless blows of his left foot , and pricked up his ears at the sound of shots as he had done on the review ground with no comprehension of the significance of these sounds , nor of the nearness of the raven horse of emperor francis , nor of all that was said and thought and felt that day by the man who rode upon his back
  • Though no one could understand why he had told it , and why he had insisted on telling it in russian , still anna pavlovna and several other people appreciated the social breeding of prince ippolit in so agreeably putting a close to the disagreeable and illbred outbreak of monsieur pierre
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