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  • Dams were anesthetized with one of the following drugs or drug combinations : ( 1 ) sodium pentobarbital ; ( 2 ) ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine ; or ( 3 ) sodium pentobarbital and ketamine hydrochloride
    通过下列一种或多种药物对孕鼠进行麻醉: ( 1 )戊巴比妥钠; ( 2 )盐酸氯胺酮和甲苯噻嗪; ( 3 )戊巴比妥钠和盐酸氯胺酮。
  • Sydney ( afp ) - an agitated pet cat left in a cupboard overnight turned out to be high on cocaine and benzodiazepines left over from a wild weekend dinner party , a report said saturday
    悉尼(法新社) - -周六,有报道称被通宵放在了一只纸箱里心神不定的宠物猫咪最终因一次疯狂的周末晚宴派对上剩下的可卡因和巴比妥而“兴奋” 。
  • The vacuolations of plasma appear to expand over neurons . the " dark neuron " could be seen from 3h post - injury . a lot of capsule and high density substances were manifested in neurons by 7 days after impact
  • The experiments on the effects of the uniform magnetic field in mice autonomic action and nembutal subthreshold - hypnosis was carried out . the results showed that the field had definite effects of sedation and hypnosis
  • After administrated for successive 10 days , mice were anesthetized by sodium phenobarbital , carried out heart perfusion 30min with 2 % paraformaldehyde , then extracted hippocampus and submaxillary gland , made frozen sections
    连续灌胃给药10天后,苯巴比妥钠麻醉小鼠,用2多聚甲醛心脏灌流固定30ndn ,取出海马和颌下腺,做冰冻切片。
  • Results the results showed that the water extract of fructus schisandrae chinensis could markedly inhibit spontaneous motion , enhance the sleeping number of pentobarbital sodium ( subthreshold dosage ) and prolong the sleeping time of pentobarbital sodium ( superthreshold dosage )
  • Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine )
    快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
  • A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine )
    快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
  • Opium , morphine , heroin , methadone , narcotic analgesics , cannabis , lsd , cocaine , ketamine , gamma hydroxybutyric acid ( ghb ) , amphetamine ( e . g . methylamphetamine , ecstasy , phentermine ( duromine ) ) , benzodiazepine ( e . g . chlordiazepoxide ( librium ) , midazolam ( dormicum ) , estazolam , flunitrazepam ( rohypnol ) , triazolam , nimetazepam , diazepam ( valium ) ) , zopiclone , barbiturate ( e . g . quinalbarbitone ) , methaqualone ( mandrax ) , hallucinogen , depressant , stimulant or tranquillizer
    (俗称绿豆仔) 、咪达唑仑(俗称蓝精灵) 、舒乐安定、氟硝西泮(俗称十字架) 、三唑仑、硝甲西泮、安定(俗称罗氏五号、罗氏十号) ) 、佐匹克隆、巴比士酸盐(如速可巴比妥、甲?酮(俗称忽得) )及其他迷幻剂、镇抑剂、兴奋剂及镇静剂。
  • The main results of this work are summarized as follows : 1 . for the first time , biomimetic bulk acoustic wave ( baw ) sensors based on the molecularly imprinted polymers ( mips ) were fabricated and applied to the determination of phenobarbital and pyrimethamine in organic and aqueous solution , respectively
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