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  • Following last year s educational tour xian , china , lingnan university s asia - pacific institute of ageing studies apias is organizing another educational tour programme to australia for the elderly from 21 november to 29 november this year , in collaboration with odyssey travel , a division of the australian and new zealand college for seniors anzcs , university of wollongong
    岭南大学亚太老年研究中心"中心"自2005年起推广创新的长者游学旅游概念,为长者及退休人士提供融合学习与旅游于一身的游学计划。继去年成功举办西安长者游学团后,中心今年再接再厉,计划今年11月21至29日与澳洲非牟利团体odyssey travel合办专为长者而设的九天澳洲长者游学团。
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