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  • Here s luck , a fair wind , and billy bones his fancy , were very neatly and clearly executed on the forearm ; and up near the shoulder there was a sketch of a gallows and a man hanging from it - done , as i thought , with great spirit
    前臂上精巧清晰地刺着“好运在此” “顺风”以及“比尔彭斯的爱物” ,而上头挨近肩膀的地方则刺着个一个人吊在绞刑架上的草图。刺这些画,照我看,是费了好大的功夫。
  • To my thinking , said the dairyman , rising suddenly from a cow he had just finished off , snatching up his three - legged stool in one hand and the pail in the other , and moving on to the next hard - yielder in his vicinity ; to my thinking , the cows don t gie down their milk to - day as usual
    照我看呀, ”奶牛场老板说,他刚挤完了奶,一手抓着三脚凳,一手拎着牛奶桶,突然从奶牛身后站起来,向附近的另一头难挤的奶牛走去。 “照我看呀,今天这些奶牛出奶和平常有些不同。
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