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  • Flavor oil with scallion and ginger , drop in the broad - beans , stir - fly until the oil becomes red , add cooking wine , clear soup , salt and sugar , bring to the boil , add the other ingredientd , bring to the boil , simmer for ten minutes , change to a moderate heat to boil down the soup
  • Stew the abalones in chicken soup stock for five minutes , force the two sides of each abalone apart to form the " fore legs of the toad " , score each head , and stuff the cut with mashed fish to form the " mouth of the toad " , stick two peas in the mashed fish to form the " eyes "
    将鲍鱼在鸡汤鸭汤中5分钟后捞出,从底部肉边开口出向两边撕至一半,即“蛤蟆前腿”在头部平片一口,填满鱼茸,即“蛤蟆嘴”鱼茸上嵌两粒豌豆即“蛤蟆眼” 。
  • The head chef comes from dadong island , off the coast of china near shanghai , and specializes in slowly cooked dishes such as red - braised fish jaws , tofu and ham soup , ningpo - style crispy eel , spareribs steamed in preserved bean sauce , wuxi spareribs , clear - fried freshwater prawns and noodles simmered with spring onions
  • Heat up a saucepan , put butter in , sautee garlic , o nion , mushroons for 2 - 3 minutes flamed with brandy , and red wine , put in all ingredient intoa brown sauce reduc tion bring it boil and simmer for 5 - 10minutes and finis hed it with cream add salt and pepper to taste
    加热沙司锅,放入黄油,炒蒜泥、洋葱、蘑菇2 - 3分钟,喷入白兰地和葡萄酒,放入其余原料炒,然后倒入浓缩过的黄汁,烧开,5 - 10分钟,最后加入奶油,烧开,加入盐和胡椒粉尝味加入蜂蜜、糖、盐和胡椒粉,尝味。
  • You may have the opportunity to taste over 200 courses of food , including royal refreshments , western and chinese cold and hot dishes , western cakes , pudding , japanese food , korean barbecue , cantonese sea food , potted soup , fresh vegetable and fruit juice , wine and alcohol , drinks and fruits
  • Put the duck pieces on a rack in a saucepan , drop in the taros , duck head , neck and legs , add duck soup , seasonings and sweet fermented flour sauce fried with white sugar . fry scallion ginger and wild pepper in 6 - fold hot oil till the flavor comes out , pour the oil into the saucepan with the duck , stew over a low heat for an hour , remove the duck to a dish
  • Just one percent of those surveyed under 25 recognised bath chaps - pigs " cheeks covered in breadcrumbs - while only 1 . 6 percent had heard of jugged hare - hare meat served in a sauce of its blood mixed with port . brawn jellied pig ' s head came third on the list , while squirrel casserole was fourth
    在参与调查的25岁以下年轻人中,仅有1的人知道一道名为“ bath chaps ”猪脸肉加面包屑的英国传统菜肴另有1 . 6的人听说过“ jugged hare ”兔肉,用兔血和葡萄酒混合的酱汁来煨兔肉。
  • Put the duck pieces on a rack in a saucepan , drop in the taros , duck head , neck and legs , add duck soup , seasonings and sweet fermented flour sauce fried with white sugar . fry scallion ginger and wild pepper in 6 - fold hot oil till the flavor comes out , pour the oil into the saucepan with the duck , stew over a low heat for an hour , remove the duck to a dish
  • Sour salted vegetable is green , or soil yellow , the sour flavor is proper , open the stomach and match rice , it since is an food in normal times , takes charge of to season the good product in common use again , it is cold and explode to fry in spite of , be still the heat boil , the burn , steams to make , all having a distinctive flavor
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