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  • Sure enough , it did but this is not always the case , and it s better to know these things earlier rather than too late
    的的确确是这样的(但不一定永远这样,这些事情明白得早一些比晚了更好) 。
  • When he died , i cried more than after my mother s death . mind you , she did spend twelve years of her life beating me
  • Ciu is the corporate name for the three schools : columbia bible college is the undergraduate division ; columbia biblical seminary graduate school of
  • Give me thy hand , roderigo : thou hast taken against me a most just exception ; but yet , i protest , i have dealt most directly in thy affair
  • This is a " lo - fi " version of our main content . to view the full version with more information , formatting and images , please click here
    为防止恶意骗钱,要求签到者言之有物,足以证明你的的确确是冰火读者,比如说: “瑟曦瑟曦我爱你,就像奈德爱大米” 。
  • Such an virus , even not be as a illness , may not cause any problems in any other countries , but it does cause serious social problems in china
  • They do , however , make effective use of the famous ripper gun , and they already comprehend how to tear a body limb from limb , and that is all they really need to know
  • Such humans do indeed exist in small numbers in remote and primarily frozen parts of earth , and are those who had enough genetic remembrance to grow fur to survive after the ice shields broke
  • With singapore turning 34 , we do find people much richer nowadays , in terms of material possessions , than they used to be in the pre - independence years . spiritually , however , they are impoverished
  • With singapore turning 34 , we do find people much richer nowadays , in terms of material possessions , than they used to be in the pre - independence years . spiritually , however , they are impoverished
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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