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  • The times , matt dickinson : “ the idea that his team might be rattled by the raucousness of a febrile occasion had seemed fanciful , but something made chelsea unusually subdued in the first 30 minutes
  • Most musicians and artists say the internet has helped them make more money from their work despite online file - trading services that allow users to copy songs and other material for free , according to a study released on sunday
  • Everything else was unchanged , the sun still shining mercilessly on the steaming marsh and the tall pinnacle of the mountain , and i could scarce persuade myself that murder had been actually done , and a human life cruelly cut short a moment since , before my eyes
  • And the other issue is that there has grown up round the world , a debate , that sometimes i think takes place on a quite false basis but nonetheless is there , that somehow there is a trade off between economic growth and environmental protection , so that if we improve the protection of our environment , we may inhibit our ability to grow and to enjoy rising living standards
    一场辩论正在世界范围内兴起- -尽管我有时觉得这场辩论的基础是错误的,但它的的确确存在- -那就是经济增长和环境保护之间需要某种程度的平衡。所以,为了保护我们赖以生存的环境,我们也许需要抑制经济的增长和生活水平的提高。这是我们面临的第二个困难。
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