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  • This article discussed the main idea of dewey ' s ideological origin of educational philosophy , the course of forming , as well as dewey ' s educational natural growth theory that educational sight concentration embodies , including three main aspects : " education is growing up " ; " education is reforming " ; " education is living and life is developing " , the foundation of this educational is philosophy pragmatism experience theory
    本文主要论述了杜威教育哲学的思想渊源、形成过程,以及杜威的教育观集中体现的“教育即自然生长理论” ,主要包括3个方面的内容: “教育即生长” ; “教育即改造” ; “教育即生活,生活即发展” 。这一教育观的哲学基础是他的实用主义经验论
  • In that case , he argues , any statement or combination of statements ( not merely the “ offending ” generalization , as in classical empiricism ) can be altered to achieve the fundamental requirement , a system free of contradictions , even if , in some cases , the alteration consists of labeling the new observation a “ hallucination
    在那种情况下,任何陈述或陈述组合(它们并非如经典经验论所断言的那样,只是与归纳命题“相抵触” )都会被更改以满足基本的要求? ?使系统能自圆其说,即使有时候给新观察打上“幻觉”的标签也在所不惜。
  • This theory errs in failing to understand that , although the data of perception reflect certain realities in the objective world ( i am not speaking here of idealist empiricism which confines experience to so - called introspection ) , they are merely one - sided and superficial , reflecting things incompletely and not reflecting their essence
    这种理论的错误,在于不知道感觉材料固然是客观外界某些真实性的反映(我这里不来说经验只是所谓内省体验的那种唯心的经验论) ,但它们仅是片面的和表面的东西,这种反映是不完全的,是没有反映事物本质的。
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