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  • S took the lamp , placed it on a projecting stone above the bed , whence its tremulous light fell with strange and fantastic ray on the distorted countenance and motionless , stiffened body
  • Teresa had yielded in spite of herself , but when she looked at the agitated countenance of the young man , she understood by his silence and trembling voice that something strange was passing within him
  • " oh , then i remember as if it were but yesterday sitting under the shade of some sycamore - trees , on the borders of a lake , in the waters of which the trembling foliage was reflected as in a mirror
  • The anecdotal evidence in our two patients suggests that reduction of atrial size and atrial stretch after crt and hence the atrial anatomical - electrical remodeling is the underlying mechanism for the improvement of rhythm control of af
  • Fed and feeding brains about me : under glowlamps , impaled , with faintly beating feelers : and in my mind s darkness a sloth of the underworld , reluctant , shy of brightness , shifting her dragon scaly folds
    头顶上是小铁栅围起的一盏盏白炽灯,有着微微颤动的触须。在我头脑的幽暗处,却是阴间的一个懒货,畏首畏尾,惧怕光明,蠕动着那像鳞般的裙皱22 。
  • Here , pierre , tell me your opinion , she turned to the young man , who going up to them was staring in surprise at the exasperated face of the princess , which had thrown off all appearance of decorum , and the twitching cheeks of prince vassily
    皮埃尔,您把您的意见说出来, ”她把脸转向年轻人说道皮埃尔走到他们近侧,诧异地打量着公爵小姐那副凶狠的,丧失体统的面孔和瓦西里公爵的不停地颤动的两颊。
  • The draught produced a galvanic effect , a violent trembling pervaded the old man s limbs , his eyes opened until it was fearful to gaze upon them , he heaved a sigh which resembled a shriek , and then his convulsed body returned gradually to its former immobility , the eyes remaining open
  • Two patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and persistent atrial fibrillation ( af ) underwent successful electrical cardioversion and atrioventricular ( av ) junction ablation , followed by implantation of a cardiac resynchronization therapy ( crt ) pacemaker with a biventricular pacing system
  • It was more especially when this man was speaking in a manner half jesting , half bitter , that franz s ear recalled most vividly the deep sonorous , yet well - pitched voice that had addressed him in the grotto of monte cristo , and which he heard for the second time amid the darkness and ruined grandeur of the colosseum
    尤其是在他的嘲弄口吻中,含有某种以金属颤动的声音,这种声音在斗兽场的废墟中固然使他吃惊,在基督山的岩洞里又何尝不然。终于他得出了一个很满意的结论,这个人不是别人,正是“水手辛巴德。 ”
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