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用"spintronics"造句"spintronics"怎么读"spintronics" in a sentence


  • 自旋电子学
  • 自旋子


  • Research progress and application of semiconductor spintronics
  • It is no surprise that the information storage industry has provided the initial successes in spintronics technology
  • The most exciting developments in semiconductor spintronics will probably be devices we have not imagined yet
  • Whether one looks at the near term for tomorrow ' s consumer electronics or at the more distant prospect of quantum computing , spintronics promises to be revolutionary
  • Whereas the metallic spintronic devices just described provide new ways to store information , semiconductor spintronics may offer even more interesting possibilities
  • Thereafter , the current development of the investigation on semiconductor spintronics and its applications in the electron spin devices and realization of quantum computers are reported in this paper
  • A key research question for this second category of spintronics is how well electrons can maintain a specific spin state when traveling through a semiconductor or crossing from one material to another
  • Indeed , a recent series of unexpected discoveries appears to support our hunch that semiconductor spintronics provides a feasible path for developing quantum computers and other quantum information machines
  • Mere giant magnetoresistance , which debuted in commercial hard drives back in 1998 , represented the first example of so - called spintronics , or electronics based not on charge but spin , the property of an electron that makes it act like a tiny bar magnet
    不过仅有在1998年的商业化硬盘上首度亮相的巨磁电阻效应才是称之为自旋电子- -或非基于电荷而是旋转(电子的这个特性使它像一个小型的条形磁铁)的电子- - - -的首个例子。
  • A brief introduction to semiconductor spintronics that includes magnetic semiconductor , magnetic / semiconductor compound structures , spin phenomena in the non - magnetic semiconductor quantum well and nanostructures , and spin injection into semiconductor etc . is given
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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