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coloration 同义词

  1. colouration
    英文释义: 名词 choice and use of colors (as by an artist)

  1. colouration
    英文释义: 名词 appearance with regard to color; "her healthy coloration"

  1. color, colour, colouration
    英文释义: 名词 the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music"


  • coloration 英文释义:choice and use of colors (as by an artist)
  • coloration 中文翻译n.1.染色(法),着色(法)。2.(天然)色,色彩。3.【音乐】赋色。短语和例子
  • coloration 法语翻译:音标:[kɔlɔrasjɔ̃]n.f. 着色,染色colorationf.染色;着色coloration acide résistante耐酸染色法coloration alcoolo acido résistante抗酸染色coloration de gram革兰氏染色法coloration de wright瑞氏染色coloration des flagelles鞭毛染色[法]coloration jaune黄染coloration jaune des téguments皮肤黄染coloration optique光学着色coloration par chauffage热变色coloration vitale活体荧光染色colorationsf.pl.回火色底[片、版]近义词carnation, pigmentation, couleur, teinture, teinte, ton, tonalité
coloration的同義詞coloration相同意義的詞匯coloration synonyms