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cycle 同义词

  1. bicycle, bike, wheel
    英文释义: 名词 a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

  1. oscillation
    英文释义: 名词 a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon; "a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons"

  1. hertz, Hz, cycle per second, cycles/second, cps
    英文释义: 名词 the unit of frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second

  1. rhythm, round
    英文释义: 名词 an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; "the never-ending cycle of the seasons"

  1. bicycle, bike, pedal, wheel
    英文释义: 动词 ride a bicycle

  1. motorbike, motorcycle
    英文释义: 动词 ride a motorcycle


  • cycle 英文释义:a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
  • cycle 中文翻译n.1.循环,周期,一转。2.周时,周年,年纪。3.(诗、故事等的)始末。4.自行车,三轮车,摩托车。5.【电学】周波;【数学】环;【拓】闭链;【地质学;地理学】旋徊;【植物;植物学】(从枯凋到再生的)一轮迥;天体运转的轨道。短语和例子vi.1.轮转,循环。2.骑自行车[三轮车等]。vt.使循环,使轮转。-ry (出售或修理自行车的)自行车铺。
  • cycle 法语翻译:音标:[sikl]n.m. 周期,循环;环;(主题人物相同的)一组文学作品;(中学和大学的)学习阶段专业辞典1. n.m【地质】旋回2.n.m.【地质】侵蚀旋回3.n.m.【化学】氮的循环4.n.m.【机械】卡诺循环5.n.m.【物理学】周秒,赫兹6.n.m.【医学】月经周期n.m.【天】太阳活动周cyclem.环;循环;周期;周;周转cycle cardiaque心动周期cycle citrique柠檬酸循环cycle commercial贸易循环cycle d'otto奥托循环cycle d'hystérésis磁滞回线;滞后曲线cycle de carnot卡诺循环cycle de coulée浇注环cycle de coulée en marche à vide空载行程cycle de travail作功冲程cycle de vie寿命周期cycle de vie de produits / 产品生命周期cycle du gel dégel冻融循环cycle du pentose phosphate磷酸戊糖循环cycle fermé闭环cycle fusé稠环cycle hexaatomique六元环cycle lunaire太阴周cycle menstruel月经周期cycle minime小周期cycle métonien默冬章cycle métonique太阴周cycle ouvert开环cycle semi automatique半自动加工循环cycle solaire太阳周cycle tricarboxylique三羟循环cycle économique经济周期cycle évolutif生活史cycle skipping周波跳跃cycles par seconde (c/s)周/秒近义词période, saga
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