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finale 同义词

  1. close, closing curtain, finis
    英文释义: 名词 the concluding part of any performance

  1. coda
    英文释义: 名词 the closing section of a musical composition

  1. stopping point, finis, finish, last, conclusion, close
    英文释义: 名词 the temporal end; the concluding time; "the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell"; "the market was up at the finish"; "they were playing better at the close of the season"


  • finale 英文释义:the concluding part of any performance
  • finale 中文翻译n.1.结局,收尾。2.【音乐】终曲。3.最后一幕;大团圆。
  • finale 法语翻译:音标:[final]n.f. (词或句子中)最后音节,最后字母;[体]决赛专业辞典1. (复数~s)adj.f【语言】目的从句2.n.f.【语言】(词或句子的)最后音节,最后字母,最后部分:~accentrée重读的最后音节1. (复数~s)adj.f【经】终极需求,终端需求2.(复数~s)adj.f【哲】目的因3.n.f.【体】决赛:quarts de~复赛parvenir en~进入决赛remporter la~取得决赛的胜利en~最后;作为结束finalef.韵母近义词désinence, terminaison, coda
finale的同義詞finale相同意義的詞匯finale synonyms