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grain 同义词

  1. texture
    英文释义: 名词 the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance); "breadfruit has the same texture as bread"; "sand of a fine grain"; "fish with a delicate flavor and texture"; "a stone of coarse grain"

  1. food grain, cereal
    英文释义: 名词 foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses

  1. caryopsis
    英文释义: 名词 dry seed-like fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn

  1. metric grain
    英文释义: 名词 a weight unit used for pearls or diamonds: 50 mg or 1/4 carat

  1. granulate
    英文释义: 动词 become granular

  1. granulate
    英文释义: 动词 form into grains

  1. ingrain
    英文释义: 动词 thoroughly work in; "His hands were grained with dirt"


  • grain 英文释义:the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance); "breadfruit has the same texture as bread"; "sand of a fine grain"; "fish with a delicate flavor and texture"; "a stone of coarse grain"
  • grain 中文翻译n.1.谷物,粮食〔英国叫 corn〕; 谷类植物。2.谷粒,籽粒。3.(沙、金、盐等的)粒,颗粒,晶粒。4.些微,一点儿〔主要用于否定句〕。5.(木材、大理石等的)纹理;皮革的正面,粒面。6.脾气,特性,癖性。7.谷〔英美重量最低单位,略作 gr.=64.8毫克或1/7,000磅〕。8.胭脂虫;(用胭脂虫制的)红色染料;不褪色染料;〔古语〕颜色,色调。9.〔pl.〕 麦芽渣,酒槽。短语和例子vt.1.把…作成细粒。2.把…漆[画]成木纹,使(皮等)表面粗糙。3.染透。4.刮去(皮上的)毛。vi.成为细粒。adj.-less 没有谷粒的,没有纹理的。
  • grain 法语翻译:音标:[grɛ̃]1. 报时响声;点;禽鸟舌喉炎;痂;小毛病;沮丧;单根茎;单瓣花;果仁;种子;牌点;小点;忧郁;出众的人或物;报时信号;电话信号;优秀的东西[人]2. 尘埃;微粒3. 滴;泡;小珠子;珠;珠子用珠装饰4. 谷类;谷粒;颗粒;纹理;本质;谷物;粒;粮食;杂粮;喱(使)成谷粒5. 核心;中心;精髓;内核;坚果专业辞典1. n.m.【航海】飑:~blanc无形飑~noir乌云飑veiller au~防备暴风雨;防备突发事件,提防任何意外2.n.m.【机械】镗刀头3.n.m.【植物学】花粉粒4.n.m.【医学】麦粒肿grainm.谷粒;颗粒;粒;晶粒;磨粒;丸;轴瓦grain d'amidon淀粉颗粒grain d'ésaffûté钝磨粒grain de beauté痦子grain esquilleux断裂晶粒grain eutectique共晶晶粒grain fin细粒grain rond圆珠grain vide秕子grain équiaxial等轴晶粒 / grains粮食近义词graine, semence, corpuscule, fragment, particule, granulation, granule, atome, brin, goutte
grain的同義詞grain相同意義的詞匯grain synonyms