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h 同义词

  1. H
    英文释义: 名词 the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet

  1. Planck''s constant
    英文释义: 名词 the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to its frequency; approximately 6.626 x 10^-34 joule-second


  • h 英文释义:the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet
  • h 中文翻译短语和例子= 【电学】 henry; 【化学】 hydrogen; 【物理学】磁场密度 (intensity of magnetic field), 地磁水平分量 (the horizontal component of terrestrial magnetism); 〔表示铅笔芯硬度的符号〕= hard(ness); 〔俚语〕heroin.H1= 【化学】protium. H1+ = 【物理学】proton. H2 = 【化学】deuterium. H3 = 【化学】tritium.
  • h 法语翻译:音标:['a∫]h aspire【语言】嘘音h
  • h 日语翻译:eqti エッチ(1)〔鉛筆のしんの硬さ〕铅笔芯qiánbǐ xīn的硬度yìndù.(2)〔いやらしい〕好色hàosè.$Hな話/淫秽yínhuì下流的话.$Hな人/好色的人.
h的同義詞h相同意義的詞匯h synonyms