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head 同义词

  1. oral sex
    英文释义: 名词 oral stimulation of the genitals; "they say he gives good head"

  1. drumhead
    英文释义: 名词 a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum

  1. read/write head
    英文释义: 名词 (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk

  1. caput
    英文释义: 名词 the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window"

  1. mind, brain, psyche, nous
    英文释义: 名词 that which is responsible for one''s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn''t get his words out of my head"

  1. head word
    英文释义: 名词 (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent

  1. heading, header
    英文释义: 名词 a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"

  1. question
    英文释义: 名词 the subject matter at issue; "the question of disease merits serious discussion"; "under the head of minor Roman poets"

  1. point
    英文释义: 名词 a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north"

  1. headway
    英文释义: 名词 forward movement; "the ship made little headway against the gale"

  1. pass, straits
    英文释义: 名词 a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"

  1. fountainhead, headspring
    英文释义: 名词 the source of water from which a stream arises; "they tracked him back toward the head of the stream"

  1. forefront
    英文释义: 名词 the part in the front or nearest the viewer; "he was in the forefront"; "he was at the head of the column"

  1. promontory, headland, foreland
    英文释义: 名词 a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)

  1. chief, top dog
    英文释义: 名词 a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"

  1. principal, school principal, head teacher
    英文释义: 名词 the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"

  1. capitulum
    英文释义: 名词 a dense cluster of flowers or foliage; "a head of cauliflower"; "a head of lettuce"

  1. steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, guide, channelize, channelise
    英文释义: 动词 direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

  1. lead
    英文释义: 动词 travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John"

  1. lead
    英文释义: 动词 be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?"

  1. head up
    英文释义: 动词 be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel; "This student heads the class"


  • head 英文释义:oral stimulation of the genitals; "they say he gives good head"
  • head 中文翻译n.1.头,头部,首。2.头脑,才能;智力,想像力,理解力。3.前部,上部;顶端,尖突部;船长;(书页等的)天头;(桌位的)首席;弹头。4.首脑,首长,领导。5.个人,人数;(牲畜的)匹数,头数。6.条目,项目,头绪;要点;标题。7.(有头像的)硬币正面 (opp. tail); (有头像的)邮票。8.(河的)源头;(疮、疖等的)脓头。9.(水站等的)蓄水高度,水位差,水头,落差,压力;势头。10.海角;岬。11.头状物体;鹿角;【植物;植物学】顶梢;谷穗;头状花序;头状叶丛。12.危机;极点,绝顶;结论。13.〔口语〕(宿醉引起的)头痛。14.酒沫,泡沫;〔英国〕(浮在牛乳表面的)奶油。15.〔口语〕脑袋,生命;嘴。16.〔俚语〕(舰船上的)厕所。17.【矿物】水平巷道,煤层中开拓的巷道。18.【机械工程】盖,帽。19.【语言学】中心成份。20.【音乐】音符的符头。21.〔俚语〕麻醉药品吸食者;主张种植麻醉药品作物者。短语和例子vt.1.站在…的前头,率领;牵头,打破(记录等)。2.阻拦,妨碍;反抗。3.为(箭等)安头;使构成顶部;在…上加标题。4.把头对着;溯(源);〔美国〕使(车、船等)向着某处行驶。5.用头顶(球)。6.砍伐(树等的)顶枝;收割(庄稼);切去(鱼)头〔砍去人头用 behead〕。短语和例子vi.1. 前进,出发;驶往 (for)。 2. (果实、麦穗等)成头状物,结实,抽穗。 3. (疮、疖等)出脓头。 4. (河流等)发源。 be headed for = head for. head back 1. 绕至前方。 2. 阻止。 head down 截去树梢,摘心,掐尖。 head for 走向,向…方向前进。 head into 〔美国〕开始,着手。 head off 1. 上前拦截(车辆、羊群等),使之转变方向或退回。 2. 阻止某事;使某人不做某事 (I headed him off [from] making a speech. 我打断了他演说的念头)。 head the ball (踢足球时)顶球。 head up 1. 指挥,当主管。 2. 给…加盖子。adj.1.头的,头部的。2.主要的,首席的。
  • head 法语翻译:head wave首波
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