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lately 同义词

  1. recently, late, of late, latterly, recently, late, of late, latterly
    英文释义: 副词 in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"

  1. recently, late, of late, latterly, recently, late, of late, latterly
    英文释义: 副词 in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"


  • lately 英文释义:in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"
  • lately 中文翻译adv.近来,最近。 ★英国口语中的否定句,疑问句多用 lately, 肯定句则用其他说法。 I haven't seen him lately . Have you seen him lately I saw him recently [a short time ago].
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