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pair 同义词

  1. brace
    英文释义: 名词 a set of two similar things considered as a unit

  1. couple, twosome, twain, brace, span, yoke, couplet, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad
    英文释义: 名词 two items of the same kind

  1. match, mate, couple, twin
    英文释义: 动词 bring two objects, ideas, or people together; "This fact is coupled to the other one"; "Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?"; "The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project"

  1. copulate, mate, couple
    英文释义: 动词 engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"

  1. geminate
    英文释义: 动词 arrange in pairs; "Pair these numbers"

  1. geminate
    英文释义: 动词 occur in pairs

  1. pair off, partner off, couple
    英文释义: 动词 form a pair or pairs; "The two old friends paired off"


  • pair 英文释义:a poker hand with 2 cards of the same value
  • pair 中文翻译n.(pl. pair(s))1.一对,一双,一套,(眼镜等的)一副;(剪子等的)一把,(裤子等的)一条。 2. 一对男女,未婚夫妇;(动物的)偶。3.系在一起的两匹马。4.【机械工程】对偶,副。5.(成对物的)另一方。6.(议会)约好互相弃权的对立两派的两个议员;(比赛等中的)两人合伙关系。7.(纸牌等)同点子的一对。8.〔英方〕(楼梯等的)一段。短语和例子vi.1.成对,配合;交配;〔俚语〕成夫妇 (with)。2.(议会)相约弃权。vt.1.使成对。2.使成配偶;使交配。短语和例子
  • pair 法语翻译:音标:[pεr]pair,-ea. 偶数的m.同辈,同僚,同等的人;廷臣,大臣;贵族;平价;hors (de) ~ 独一无二的,无与伦比的专业辞典1. adj.m【解剖学】成对器官2.adj.m【数学】偶数[用作n.m.]1. n.m.【财】平价:~du change汇兑平价rente au~票面金额与市场价格相等的公债2.n.m.【史】重臣pairadj.双的pairm平价[格],平价pair commercial商业平价[格]pair de change汇兑平价[格]pair des (titres, valeurs)证券平价近义词collègue, égal, exceptionnel, extraordinaire, hors du commun , hors ligne , incomparable, inégalable
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