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paste 同义词

  1. spread
    英文释义: 名词 a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes

  1. library paste
    英文释义: 名词 an adhesive made from water and flour or starch; used on paper and paperboard

  1. glue
    英文释义: 动词 join or attach with or as if with glue; "paste the sign on the wall"; "cut and paste the sentence in the text"


  • paste 英文释义:a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes
  • paste 中文翻译n.1.糊,浆糊;面团;软糖;浓羹,酱。2.糊状物;玻璃质混合物〔制人造宝石的原料〕;铅质玻璃;制陶粘土;软膏。短语和例子adj.人造的;假的。vi.1.用浆糊黏贴 (up on together) 把(纸等)贴在…上。2.使成面糊状。短语和例子vt.〔俚语〕狠狠地打;(体育比赛中)把(对方)决定性地击败。n.(用拳头等)狠狠的一击。
  • paste 法语翻译:m. 岗哨;哨兵,警卫队;职位,岗位;警察所;站,所,台,室;设备,装置;接收机;会计科目f. 邮局,邮政;邮递员;邮车,邮船
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