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permanent 同义词

  1. permanent wave, perm
    英文释义: 名词 a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals

  1. lasting
    英文释义: 形容词 continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place; "permanent secretary to the president"; "permanent address"; "literature of permanent value"


  • permanent 英文释义:a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
  • permanent 中文翻译adj.1.永久的,不变的,耐久的;持久的,经久的。2.常务的,常设的 (opp. temporary)。n.电烫发 (=permanent wave)。adv.-ly
  • permanent 法语翻译:音标:[pεrmanã]permanent,-ea. 永久的,常设的n. 专职人员f. 电烫发permanent, ea. 经常的, 连续的, 常识的, 永恒的permanentadj.常备的,永久的近义词constant, continu, endémique, persistant, constant, durable, stable
permanent的同義詞permanent相同意義的詞匯permanent synonyms