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personnel 同义词

  1. personnel department, personnel office, staff office
    英文释义: 名词 the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management

  1. force
    英文释义: 名词 group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"


  • personnel 英文释义:the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
  • personnel 中文翻译n.1.全体人员,职员,班底 (opp. materiel)。2.人事(部门)。短语和例子
  • personnel 法语翻译:音标:[pεrsɔnεl]personnel,-lea. 私人的,个人的;[语]人称的;自私的m.人员,职工(总称)personnel, lea. 人员的, 职员的专业辞典1. adj.m【法律】属人税2.adj.m【语言】人称的:modes~s人称语式[指直陈式、条件式、命令式和虚拟式]pronom~人称代词personneladj.个人的,私人的personnelm员工,人员(集)(多种时可用复数)personnel (d'entretien, d'intervention)维机人员,维修人员personnel de manutention装卸人员personnel des machines机舱人员personnel du pont甲板人员personnel du quart倒班人员,值班人员personnel judiciaire(集)法人personnel navigant海勤人员,航海人员;空勤人员,飞行人员personnel qualifié人才近义词individuel, particulier, propre, intime, privé, original, particulier, spécial, typique, exclusif
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