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steal 同义词

  1. bargain, buy
    英文释义: 名词 an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"

  1. slip
    英文释义: 动词 move stealthily; "The ship slipped away in the darkness"


  • steal 英文释义:a stolen base; an instance in which a base runner advances safely during the delivery of a pitch (without the help of a hit or walk or passed ball or wild pitch)
  • steal 中文翻译短语和例子vt.1.偷,窃取;剽窃(别人文字);【棒球】盗垒。2.偷偷地做;暗暗拉拢,笼络;突然做。3.僭据,侵占。vi.1.偷东西,做贼。2.偷偷走近[出去],溜(along by down from into out of)。3.(船、烟等)悄悄地动;(水,泪等)静静地流。4.(棒球)盗垒。短语和例子n.1. 〔口语〕偷窃;赃物。 2. 意外之财;诈欺。 3. 不正当的获得[交易]。4. 【棒球】盗垒。n.-er 1. 偷取者,偷干者。 2. 僭据者。 3. (棒球)盗垒者。 4. 【造船】合并挡板。
  • steal 日语翻译:suti-ru スチール〈野球〉偷垒tōulěi.$ホーム?stealをする/偷还本垒; 盗本垒.$stealの名人/偷垒的能手.
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