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warning 同义词

  1. admonition, monition, word of advice
    英文释义: 名词 cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality"; "the warning was to beware of surprises"; "his final word of advice was not to play with matches"

  1. admonitory, cautionary, exemplary, monitory
    英文释义: 形容词 serving to warn; "shook a monitory finger at him"; "an exemplary jail sentence"


  • warning 英文释义:cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality"; "the warning was to beware of surprises"; "his final word of advice was not to play with matches"
  • warning 中文翻译n.1.警告,警报;警戒;训诫。2.预告,通知。3.号召,召唤。4.殷鉴;前兆。短语和例子
  • warning 法语翻译:warning报警
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