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用"thromboses"造句"thromboses"怎么读"thromboses" in a sentence


  • n. 血栓症( thrombosis的名词复数 )
  • "superior sagittal sinus thromboses" 中文翻译 :    上矢状窦血栓形成
  • "thromboses,brain" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Thromboses,Brain ; [入口词] Thromboses,Brain ; [主题词] Intracranial Thrombosis ; [英文释义] Formation of a clot composed of platelets and fibrin within the lumen of an intracranial artery or vein,which may result in CEREBRAL INFARCTION. Arterial thrombosis is associated with INTRACRANIAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS,but may also result from hypercoagulability states (see THROMBOPHILIA). Cerebral vein thrombosis is frequently complicated by INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES.
  • "thrombosed external haemorrhoids" 中文翻译 :    《英汉医学词典》thrombosed external haemorrhoids ; 血栓性外痔
  • "thromboses,cavernous sinus" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Thromboses,Cavernous Sinus ; [入口词] Thromboses,Cavernous Sinus ; [主题词] Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis ; [英文释义] Formation of a blood clot composed of platelets and fibrin in the CAVERNOUS SINUS of the brain. Infections of the paranasal sinuses and adjacent structures,CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA,and THROMBOPHILIA are associated conditions. Clinical manifestations include dysfunction of cranial nerves III,IV,V,and VI,marked periorbital swelling,chemosis,fever,and visual loss. (From Adams et al.,Principles of Neurology,6th ed,p711)
  • "thromboscintigram" 中文翻译 :    栓塞闪微显像图
  • "thromboses,cerebral" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Thromboses,Cerebral ; [入口词] Thromboses,Cerebral ; [主题词] Intracranial Thrombosis ; [英文释义] Formation of a clot composed of platelets and fibrin within the lumen of an intracranial artery or vein,which may result in CEREBRAL INFARCTION. Arterial thrombosis is associated with INTRACRANIAL ARTERIOSCLEROSIS,but may also result from hypercoagulability states (see THROMBOPHILIA). Cerebral vein thrombosis is frequently complicated by INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES.
  • "thromboresistant surface" 中文翻译 :    《英汉医学词典》thromboresistant surface ; 抗血栓表面
  • "thromboses,coronary" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Thromboses,Coronary ; [入口词] Thromboses,Coronary ; [主题词] Coronary Thrombosis ; [英文释义] Presence of a thrombus in a coronary artery,often causing a myocardial infarction.
  • "thromboresistant" 中文翻译 :    n. thromboresistant抗血栓
  • "thromboses,cranial sinus" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Thromboses,Cranial Sinus ; [入口词] Thromboses,Cranial Sinus ; [主题词] Sinus Thrombosis,Intracranial ; [英文释义] Thrombus formation in an intracranial venous sinus,including the superior sagittal,cavernous,lateral,and petrous sinuses. Etiologies include thrombosis due to infection,DEHYDRATION,coagulation disorders (see THROMBOPHILIA),and CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA.
  • "thromboresistance" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 血栓阻力


  • During the 12-month follow-up, no stent thromboses, mis, or deaths were obsered
  • Hemorrhoids consist of dilated submucosal veins which may thrombose and rupture with hematoma formation
  • A thrombosis of the internal carotid artery is seen here . arterial thromboses are far more common in the brain than venous thromboses ( by a ratio of about 100 to 1 )
  • A thrombosis of the internal carotid artery is seen here . arterial thromboses are far more common in the brain than venous thromboses ( by a ratio of about 100 to 1 )
  • Results among the 25 accidents, concomitant and secondary, there were 9 aneurysm ruptures , 7 over-embolizations , 7 coil end protrudings to the parent artery , and 2 thromboses


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