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用"tomjanovich"造句"tomjanovich"怎么读"tomjanovich" in a sentence


  • 托姆尧诺维奇


  • " i understood that rudy ( tomjanovich ) was brilliant , " he said
    “我觉得鲁迪是最棒的” ,他说。
  • The lakers rehired former coach rudy tomjanovich in their scouting / player personnel department
  • In short , adelman is very much like rudy tomjanovich , who was beloved in houston for what he got out of his teams
  • They put alston through the " daily dozen " drills held over from the rudy tomjanovich years that former assistant jim boylen brought from michigan state
  • Tomjanovich had been with the team since stepping down as head coach halfway through the 2004 - 05 season , but his old deal - - part of a $ 9 - million buyout package - - expired in july
    汤姆贾诺维奇一直和球队一起,自从主教练在2004 - 05赛季半途下台后,但他的旧方法? ?部分900万买断? ?在七月期满。
  • Prior to moving into the front office , dawson worked as an assistant coach under four rockets head coaches , aiding del harris from 1980 - 83 , bill fitch from 1983 - 88 , don chaney from 1988 - 92 and rudy tomjanovich from 1992 - 96
    在进入核心管理层前,道森担任了火箭队4位主教练的助理教练,从1980 - 83年辅佐戴尔?哈里斯,从1983 - 88年辅佐比尔?菲奇,从1988 - 92年辅佐唐?沙内,从1992 - 96年辅佐鲁迪?汤姆甲诺维奇。
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