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用"unlabelled"造句"unlabelled"怎么读"unlabelled" in a sentence"unlabelled"的同义词


  • 非示踪的
  • 未标记的
  • 未作标记的
  • 无标号的
  • 无标记的


  • In the box , please state the name of the image and species , date , place and photographer . unlabelled images will not take part in the competition
  • Subjects also reported storing multiple medications in the same container , which is dangerous since most drugs look alike . even medical professionals have difficulty identifying unlabelled pills , let alone elderly patients
  • While in the stage of document classifying , nntcs inputs feature vectors of the document to be classified , runs network with fixed weights , then compares the output with the predefined threshold to judge the class of the unlabelled document
  • Data mining is the key step of kdd , which concerns on database , artificial intelligence , and statistics , etc . classification is the important content of data mining , which assigns dataitems in databases to a special class by constructing a classification function or model ( also be called classifier ) . therefore , we can predict the unlabelled object classes with the classification model
    分类是数据挖掘的一个重要内容,它通过构造一个分类函数或分类模型(也常称作分类器) ,把数据库中的数据项映射到给定类别中的某一个,从而能够使用该模型来预测类标号未知的对象类。
  • Monte carlo is a method that approximately solves mathematic or physical problems by statistical sampling theory . when comes to bayesian classification , it firstly gets the conditional probability distribution of the unlabelled classes based on the known prior probability . then , it uses some kind of sampler to get the stochastic data that satisfy the distribution as noted just before one by one
  • At last , it can obtain the posterior probability distibution of each unlabelled classes by analysing these stochastic data . it is easy to get a stochastic sample that satisfies some special distribution through running a special markov chain , so mcmc ( markov chain monte carlo ) is the most common monte carlo bayesian method
    运行一个特定的马尔可夫链可以容易地获得满足某个特定分布的随机抽样,所以马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗( mcmc )是最常用的蒙特卡罗贝叶斯分类方法。
  • Normal behavior and anomaly are distinguished on the basis of observed datum such as network flows and audit records of host . when a training sample set is unlabelled and unbalanced , attack detection is treated as outlier detection or density estimation of samples and one - class svm of hypersphere can be utilized to solve it . when a training sample set is labelled and unbalanced so that the class with small size will reach a much high error rate of classification , a weighted svm algorithm , i
    针对训练样本是未标定的不均衡数据集的情况,把攻击检测问题视为一个孤立点发现或样本密度估计问题,采用了超球面上的one - classsvm算法来处理这类问题;针对有标定的不均衡数据集对于数目较少的那类样本分类错误率较高的情况,引入了加权svm算法-双v - svm算法来进行异常检测;进一步,基于1998darpa入侵检测评估数据源,把两分类svm算法推广至多分类svm算法,并做了多分类svm算法性能比较实验。
  • And it adds a - priori information into the patterns to change the method as a semi - supervised clustering . in the clustering process , the unlabelled patterns compare similarities with the labeled patterns , and then the accuracy of the algorithm can be increased . ( 3 ) the paper proposes an interactive learning - based image mining in remote sensing


  • lacking a label or tag; "unlabeled luggage is liable to be lost"
    同义词:unlabeled, untagged,

unlabelled的中文翻译,unlabelled是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译unlabelled,unlabelled的中文意思,unlabelled的中文unlabelled in Chineseunlabelled的中文unlabelled怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。