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用"vasodilators"造句"vasodilators"怎么读"vasodilators" in a sentence


  • 血管扩张药


  • Vasodilators may step up the heart rate and cause headaches .
  • On the other hand, it may represent a direct vasodilator action unrelated to cholinergic blockade .
  • Effect of cell adhesion on vasodilator - stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation
  • Conclusions the experiment provided reference data for the research of vasodilators
  • We try to give vasodilator first , at the beginning , such as nitroprusside or calcium channel blockers like verapamil
  • Methods the effects of three vasodilators on the potassium chloride , norepinephrine concentration - response curves and precontracted rabbit aorta were investigated
  • Results the inhibitory effects of three vasodilators on norepinephrine concentration - response curves were more powerful than that on potassium chloride concentration - response curves
  • Shortly following prof . furchgott s discovery of edrf , a vasodilator substance released from vascular endothelial cells , prof . murad s laboratory was the first to show that edrf used an identical signal transduction pathway as no to cause vasodilation , suggesting that edrf and no could be very similar ( if not identical ) molecules . a few years later , prof . ignarro and prof . furchgott confirmed that edrf was indeed no
    随著富斯葛教授发现血管内皮衍生舒张因子? ?一种血管内皮细胞释放的一种血管舒张物质,短短的时间内梅里教授的实验室率先证明血管内皮衍生舒张因子与氧化氮是用相同的讯息传递途径去引致血管舒张的? ?因而引申到血管内皮衍生因子和氧化氮,如果不等同也是非常相似的分子。
  • " endothelial vasodilator dysfunction and carotid intima - media thickening are the early markers of arteriosclerosis , " explained professor woo . " in adult obesity , there are many other risk factors such as hypertension and abnormality in lipids metabolism , it is very difficult to delineate the direct effect of obesity to vascular changes . however , it may be easier in children when we can avoid the interference of other risk factors and more precisely isolate the effect of obesity .
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