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  • 1752 bc    According to the egyptologist Kim Ryholt, he was the sixteenth king of the dynasty, reigning for 3 years, from 1775 BC until 1772 BC . Thomas Schneider, on the other hand, places his reign...
  • 1752 in ireland    Born in 1752 in Ireland, Carpenter first worked in the journalism business in London as a reporter of Parliamentary proceedings.
  • 1752年    十七年(1752年)秋天,厉鹗病重。 1752年葡萄牙殖民者建为商业据点。 美泉宫还有建立于1752年的动物园。 1752年,成为维农山庄园的主人。 乾隆十七年(1752年)二甲二名进士。 乾隆十七年(1752年)恩科中举。 1752年到苏格兰爱丁堡大学学医。 从1752年起,他的健康状况好转。 铁保(1752年-1824年),中国清朝官员。 天炉座(Fornacis):由...
  • deaths in 1752    From 1746 until his death in 1752 he was Chief Justice in Eyre. After his grandfather's death in 1752, Philippe d'Orl閍ns inherited the title of Duke of Chartres. After Sutton's death in 17...
  • murder act 1752    As a result of pressure from anatomists, especially in the rapidly growing medical schools, the Murder Act 1752 allowed the bodies of executed murderers to be dissected for anatomical rese...
  • treaty of 1752    Initially, Marshall s lawyer relied solely on the Treaty of 1752. There was a Peace Treaty of 1752 signed August 3 at Fort St . Georges. As the war continued, on 23 May 1753, Cope burned ...
  • year 1752    So, in the English-speaking world, the year 1752 was only 355 days long. One of the ancient temple, Shree Shivamuneeshwara Shantadurga Temple, established in the year 1752, is situated in ...

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