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  • He could not understand riemann's work on abelian functions nor roch's contributions in his dissertation .
  • Limit cycles ; differential systems ; abelian integrals
  • Some public key cryptosystem extended to abelian group
  • On the structure of the gr - abelian regular rings
  • Category of abelian groups
  • Linear estimation of the number of zeros of abelian integrals for cubic isochronous centers
  • Theorem 4 . 5 if locally soluble group g is c * ( w ) - group , then the chief factor of g is elementary abelian
  • He could not understand riemann ' s work on abelian functions nor roch ' s contributions in his dissertation
  • Theorem 3 . 3 if g is c ( p ) - group and p is an odd prime , then the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group
    定理3 3若g是…群且尸是奇素数,则g ’是初等阿贝尔p群
  • Theorem 3 . 9 if g is locally finite p - group and c * ( p ) - group , then the nilpotent class of g is at most 3 and the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group
    定理39若局部有限尸群g是c “卜群,则g的类最多为3且g ’是初等阿贝尔p群
  • It's difficult to see abelian in a sentence. 用abelian造句挺难的
  • In some finiteness conditions , we prove that there exists a natural abelian group homomorphism from the grothendieck group of r to the grothendieck group of a . in particular , the homomorphism is splitting if p is quasi - n - tilting
  • Because of the non - abelian feature of strong interaction theory , it can not describe non - perturbative effect , so phenomenological models provide the main study method for relativistic nucleon - nucleon collisions
  • The first part deals with the construction of semisymmetric graphs and the second part classifies the edge - transitive regular coverings of the cube , whose covering transformation groups are iso - morphic to the elementary abelian p - groups
    第一部分是关于半对称图的分类,第二部分是关于立方体边传递的正则覆盖图的分类,其覆盖变换群同构于初等交换p -群。
  • In terms of sub - shifts of finite type determined by an irreducible matrix , affine maps of compacted connected metric abelian group and continuous maps of tree , the two concepts of topologically ergodic map and topologically transitive map are identical
  • Theorem 2 . 4 let g be a non - abelian inner - finite group , each non - trivial proper subgroup of g is prime order cyclic group if and only if g is a simple group ; each proper subgroup of g is nilpotent ; and each non - trivial subgroup of g is self - normalizer
    4设g是非阿贝尔的内有限群,则g的每个非平凡真子群都是素数阶循环群的充分必要条件是g是单群, g的每个真子群幂零且g的每个非平凡的真子群自正规化定理2
  • In this paper , at first we study the inner - finite core - finite group in section 2 . by investigating the inner - finite infinite simple groups , we have proved : theorem 2 . 2 let g be a non - abelian inner - finite group and g = < a , b > . if one of a and b is an involution , then g is not a simple group
    2设g是由a和b两元生成的非阿贝尔的内有限群,若a和b两元中有对合,则z ( g )含对合,因而g非单群;而且g不是内阿贝尔的。
  • With this method , in the present thesis , we will classify all the connected regular covering graphs of the cube satisfying the following two properties : ( 1 ) the covering transformation group is isomorphic to the elementary abelian p - group ; ( 2 ) the group of fibre - preserving automorphisms acts edge - transitively
    本文中,我们用同一种方法分类立方体的正则连通覆盖图,并且满足两个条件,覆盖变换群同构于初等交换p -群且保纤维自同构群是边传递的。
  • Theorem 2 . 5 let g be an infinite simple group that satisfies maximal condition . g is an inner - finite group and each non - trivial proper subgroup of g is abelian if and only if for each x in g , cg ( x ) is the only maximal subgroup that contain x . s * ( a * , c * ) - groups can be regarded as a generalizations of dedekind groups , since all of dedekind groups are s * ( a * , c * ) - groups
    5设g是满足极大条件的无限单群,则g是内有限群,而且g的每个非平凡真子群是阿贝尔群的充分必要条件是对g的任意非平凡元x ,有c _ g ( x )是g的含x的唯一极大子群且c _ g ( x )是有限的。
如何用abelian造句,用abelian造句abelian in a sentence, 用abelian造句和abelian的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。