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  • One would have thought her not only a monarchist, but a believer in absolutism of the old czarist type .
  • Absolutism and chinese traditional legal culture
  • The world people have a great antipathy to absolutism
  • Ethical relativism and ethical absolutism
  • These three doctrines come down to one thing : the opposition of cultural absolutism in the late period of feudalism
  • Mckay , hill , buckler , a history of western society ii : from absolutism to the present ( a western civ textbook , for background reading
    《西洋社会史ii :从绝对主义迄今》 ,一本西方文明教科书,作为了解时代背景的读物。
  • Biagioli , mario . galileo , courtier : the practice of science in the culture of absolutism . chicago : university of chicago press , 1993 . isbn : 0226045609
    比亚焦利,马里奥。 《伽利略,库尔蒂:在绝对主义文化中的科学实践》 。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社, 1993 。 isbn : 0226045609 。
  • If the peculiar relationship between truth ' s absolutism and relativism can be called " truth ' s antinomy , " many philosophical issues over recent several decades of years aim at solving this antinomy
    摘要如果将真理的绝对主义与相对主义之吊诡称作“真理的二律背反” ,那么近数十年来,许多哲学问题都是为了解决这个二律背反。
  • Based on value platonism and value absolutism , leaning to value naturalism and value relativism , which throwing out the theory corner and theory endeavor of breaking away from the corner of hartmann ' s axiology and the whole value platonism
  • Hilary putnam , karl - otto apel and jurgen habermas all seem to say that absolutism of truth does not necessarily lead to metaphysics , whereas richard rorty attempts to say that criticisms of truth ' s absolutism do not necessarily result in relativism
  • It's difficult to see absolutism in a sentence. 用absolutism造句挺难的
  • Many views against the new - typed guarantee right , without exception follow the principle of property law . the author , however , from the perspective of forming conditions , china ' s realistic basis , and foreign experience of property law , expounds that we cannot abide by property law principle with absolutism
  • 1 . after verbal - analyzing the meanings of rationality and reason , the author argues that they have the same meaning , which implies the cause and argument ; 2 . while the absolutism and essentialism on rationality are criticized with the reasons of the paradox between the belief and the causes and the absolute of human ignorance , the relativism and nihilism on the issue also are refuted on the grounds of human natural instincts in pursuing order
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