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  • Thank you , i am not a waving aficionado
  • It is a must for both the ultra - fetish aficionado and all naughty girls and boys
    本类别的更新是在: 2天4天
  • Our community is a diverse group of subject experts and web aficionados
  • April 2002 , an advanced tutorial for the design pattern aficionado
    , 2002年4月) ,这是一篇适合于设计模式爱好者的高级教程。
  • An aficionado of classical poetry , ting composed and inscribed most of the verses on chen s paintings
  • An aficionado of classical poetry , ting composed and inscribed most of the verses on chen s paintings
  • White dragon horse : i am willing to be a friend of you , i also a cucurbit flute aficionado
    白马:愿和大家朋友,我也是葫芦丝的痴迷者qq70151088 0595 - 3838089
  • I had lot of dancing to do [ eva was a tango aficionado ] until i was about four and a half months
  • Example : the company president is an aficionado of classial music who never missed a local symphony concert
  • While researching this article , i noticed that several online sed aficionados made reference to a gnu sed 3 . 02a
    在研究这篇文章之时我注意到:几个在线sed爱好者提到gnu sed 3 . 02a 。
  • It's difficult to see aficionado in a sentence. 用aficionado造句挺难的
  • [ color = royalblue ] example : [ / color ] the company president is an aficionado of classial music who never missed a local symphony concert
  • More and more coffee aficionados are turning to home roasting to achieve the results only previously achievable through " world class " cafe ' s
  • Equally as important as tone , touch , and value to the serious pianist and music aficionado is the crafting of the instrument
  • If there is talk of the sapphire , most gemstone aficionados think immediately of a velvety blue . it s a versatile colour that becomes many wearers
  • But aficionados in the philippines looped a string around the axle , so the wooden disks could spin freely , or sleep , while hanging down
    但菲律宾的溜溜球迷将绳子松松地圈过轴,木制球盘便能停在底部空转(又称悬停) 。
  • He was never an aficionado of hill racing until he is asked by his father to drive his ae86 in a david and goliath race against night kids evo
  • Extreme sport aficionados say there ' s nothing quite like a 1 , 300 - pound beast pointing his deadly horns at you with no one there to bail you out
    极限运动狂热爱好者说,没有什么能像这样了? ?一头1300磅的巨兽将致命的双角刺向你,而没有人能保护你。
  • I suppose the joke would have been funnier if it had been puppies , but i ' m a complete feline aficionado . my august b submission for the manga art exchange
    假如我用小狗的话大概会比较好笑?不过我个人是比较喜欢猫的。 2004年八月下旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
  • Cigar aficionados who see cuba as the mecca of smoking are dumbfounded by a cuban smoking ban they say has let down the cause for smokers ' rights worldwide
  • For one night only , the mercedes grandstand became a centre of international fashion , with a setting that could draw the envy of even new york fashion week ' s aficionados
  • 更多造句:  1  2
如何用aficionado造句,用aficionado造句aficionado in a sentence, 用aficionado造句和aficionado的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。