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  • However charles sedgwick minot , the anatomist who said those words , jumped the gun
  • Generations of artists , anatomists , forensic and psychological experts and facial surgeons have probed on and below its surface , mapping its contours inside and out , on the dead as well as the living
  • A michigan state university anthropologist determined that remains likely date from the early 19th century and were part of a collection of anatomical specimens from scottish anatomist allen burns , the times herald reported
  • Generations of artists , anatomists , forensic and psychological experts and facial surgeons have probed on and below its surface , mapping its contours inside and out , on the dead as well as the living
    世世代代的艺术家、解剖学家、 ?识学与精神科专家、还有颜面外科医师皆尝试深入地探索这个领域,将脸孔层层抽丝剥茧,研究对象涵盖死者与活人。
  • Last , besides realizing the system function , author anatomists the lack of this workflow management system , and then provides a way to improve the system . at one time , author makes an appraisal for the role that plays in the system by using workflow techniques
  • Financial safety is commonly the study object in the financial crisis and financial crisis opposite . it is a pity that this paper has no enough ability and time to study all these problems , so this paper will stress discuss aspects hereinafter : firstly , go deep into anatomist fss theory meaning . secondly , set up a all - sided , impersonality and synthetically fssis
  • A michigan state university anthropologist determined that remains likely date from the early 19th century and were part of a collection of anatomical specimens from scottish anatomist allen burns , the times herald reported . the listing was removed from ebay on oct . 11 because it violated a policy against selling human remains , ebay has said . the web site allows the sale of skeletons for medical use , but not mummified remains
  • The thesis mainly study the technology of atm lan in - country and overseas , and with the key of qos . with the anatomist object of lan emulation and ip over atm , fouse on expatiate strategy which discussed from three aspect : emulation bridge in lan emulation , the setting of priority in ip over atm , the currency control of flux . at last , this paper set out the ascendant capability of the new strategy with the tool of probability and randomization
    本文主要在分析国内外在atm局域网技方面的最新研究成果的基础上,以服务质量( qos )为主线,以atm仿真局域网技术和ipoveratm技术为剖析对象,系统地阐述了在仿真网桥、优先级设置、通用流量控制方面的改进策略并使用概率和随机过程工具初步展示了新策略优越的性能。
  • It's difficult to see anatomist in a sentence. 用anatomist造句挺难的
如何用anatomist造句,用anatomist造句anatomist in a sentence, 用anatomist造句和anatomist的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。