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  • Micro - structure and formation mechanism of typical redoxi - morphic features of hydragric anthrosols
  • ( 3 ) the definition of soil series applied the method of direct nomenclature ( eg . qingjiang series ) , searches of soil series was the order : soil structure - the texture of hydragric epipedon - the proportion of clay and salt ( eg . apl - ap2 - g - clay loam - 0 . 54 ) , 10 typical soil sections were classified 10 soil series ( eg . qingjiang series beihe series ) and belonged to 5 subgroups and 4 groups of hydragric anthrosols
    ( 3 )土系采用直接命名法(如:清江系) ,其检索采取剖面构型+表层优势质地+粘砂比的性态检索顺序(如: ap1 - ap2 - c +粘壤土+ 0 . 35 ) ,被研究的10个典型土壤剖面被划分为清江系、北河系等10个土系,分别隶属于5个水耕人为土亚类、 4个水耕人为土土类。
  • Abstract : according to the chinese soil taxonomic classification ( revised proposal , 1995 ) and our data and information for classification of linze zone in the hexi corridor , the authors propose a taxonomic classification of soils of linze zone in the hexi corridor , in which all the soils are divided into 4 soil orders ( anthrosols , aridisols , gleysols and cambisols ) , 4 soil suborders , 5 soil groups and 8 soil subgroups
    文摘:根据《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案) 》 ( 1995 ) ,对河西走廊临泽样区土壤进行了系统分类研究,提出了临泽样区土壤系统分类方案:将土壤分为4个土纲(人为土、干旱土、潜育土和雏形土) , 4个亚纲, 5个土类和8个亚类。
  • It's difficult to see anthrosols in a sentence. 用anthrosols造句挺难的
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