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  • The absurd and backward-looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete, rundown, has-been country .
  • First is to look forward rather than backward - looking
  • Suppose we want a stream of positive random numbers less than one that obey a backward - looking constraint
  • But that sort of backward - looking analysis isn ' t particularly compelling to scientists ? you can find a lot of things if you go back and slice the data different ways
    若非随后的分析对于科学家来说不是显著有效的? ?如果你回去并用不同方法裁取数据,你能发现很多东西。
  • Courageous chinese leaders challenged entrenched economic privilege divorced from productivity , state - owned enterprises that turned out products that no one bought year after year , and lifetime employment at the expense of a stronger , healthier , more prosperous china . what wto accession means for china china s system could not survive the earlier era of globalization . that china was backward - looking , and did not serve the needs of its people
    以上这些原则,大部份似乎都得到中国改革者的赞同。所以在三中全会以后的改革过程中,中国决定打破“铁饭碗” 。勇敢的中国领导人向脱离生产力并受到层层保护的经济特权,向产品连年无人问津的国有企业,向使中国无法更加强大、健康和繁荣的终身雇佣制发起了挑战。
  • It's difficult to see backward-looking in a sentence. 用backward-looking造句挺难的
如何用backward-looking造句,用backward-looking造句backward-looking in a sentence, 用backward-looking造句和backward-looking的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。