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  • The character Damoetas in Day's play represented royal favorite Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset.
  • Gutzwiller argues that this reduced importance of difference in the relationship allows Damoetas and Daphnis to ignore their more slight differences.
  • Gutzwiller also noted that only a small difference in age exists between Damoetas and Daphnis, while Polyphemus and Galatea are portrayed as near opposites.
  • Following Daphnis song, Damoetas answers by assuming the role of Polyphemus and singing of his actions, which are meant to make her desire him more.
  • The ideal love shared between Damoetas and Daphnis is characterized by the lack of conflict between the two figures and the complementary nature of their respective songs.
  • In contrast to Lawall, Gutzwiller interpreted the story of Polyphemus and Galatea as a way for Damoetas and Daphnis to explore their own differences as lovers.
  • It is meant to act as advice to avoid such flaws in order to live in mutual harmony as the characters of Damoetas and Daphnis seem to do.
  • In addition, Lawall interpreted the relationship between Damoetas and Daphnis as ideal love in contrast to the relationship between Polyphemus and Galatea, which most closely resembles real love.
  • In Milton's case, friction with Chappell may have caused him to leave the college temporarily ( a Edward King  his " Lycidas "  and it is thought that Damoetas in the poem refers to Chappell ( or possibly Joseph Mede ).
  • The poem is addressed to Aratus, a friend of Theocritus, who is also referenced in Idyll VII . The poem tells the tale of two herdsmen, Damoetas and Daphnis, gathering their herds in the same spot where Daphnis engages Damoetas in a singing competition.
  • It's difficult to see damoetas in a sentence. 用damoetas造句挺难的
  • The poem is addressed to Aratus, a friend of Theocritus, who is also referenced in Idyll VII . The poem tells the tale of two herdsmen, Damoetas and Daphnis, gathering their herds in the same spot where Daphnis engages Damoetas in a singing competition.
  • The university is represented as the  self-same hill upon which the speaker and Lycidas were  nurst; their studies are likened to the shepherds work of  dr [ iving ] a field and  Batt ning & flocks; classmates are  Rough satyrs and  fauns with clov n heel and the dramatic and comedic pastimes they pursued are  Rural ditties & / Temper ed to th oaten flute "; a Cambridge professor is  old Damoetas [ who ] lov d to hear our song .  The poet then notes the "  heavy change suffered by nature now that Lycidas is gone a  pathetic fallacy in which the willows, hazel groves, woods, and caves lament Lycidas s death . " In the next section of the poem, " The shepherd-poet reflects & that thoughts of how Lycidas might have been saved are futile & turning from lamenting Lycidas s death to lamenting the futility of all human labor . " This section is followed by an interruption in the swain's monologue by the voice of Phoebus, " the sun-god, an image drawn out of the mythology of classical Roman poetry, [ who ] replies that fame is not mortal but eternal, witnessed by Jove ( God ) himself on judgment day . " At the end of the poem, King / Lycidas appears as a resurrected figure, being delivered, through the resurrecting power of Christ, by the waters that lead to his death : " Burnished by the sun's rays at dawn, King resplendently ascends heavenward to his eternal reward ."
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