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  • For information about ole db record views , see
    有关ole db记录视图的信息,请参见
  • Any software that calls and uses the ole db api
  • Class maps to an ole db schema rowset
    类中的每个字段都映射到ole db架构行集合。
  • Adding and configuring an ole db connection manager
    >添加和配置ole db连接管理器
  • Design and programming of simple common db based on
  • Data mining application based on ole db fordm specification
  • Ole db destination editor , for the destination
  • Configuring ole db providers and linked servers
    配置ole db访问接口和链接服务器
  • Microsoft sql native client ole db provider
    Microsoft sql本机客户端ole db访问接口
  • To learn more about the ole db source , see
    若要了解有关ole db源的详细信息,请参阅
  • It's difficult to see dbs in a sentence. 用dbs造句挺难的
  • Property of the ole db source is not available in the
    属性未在“ ole db源编辑器”
  • You can support transactions in ole db see
    可在ole db或odbc中支持事务(请分别参阅
  • Provides 18 db - per - octave cutoff at 80 hz
  • To identify the ole db provider and the data source
    标识ole db访问接口和数据源。
  • To add and configure an ole db connection manager
    添加和配置ole db连接管理器
  • Objects . for ole db - supported data sources , use the
    对于支持ole db的数据源,请使用
  • If the target ole db data source does not support
    如果目标ole db数据源不支持
  • The ole db provider for sql server defines an
    Sql server的ole db访问接口定义了一个
  • 102 db signal - to - noise ratio a - weighting ; analog inputs
  • The audible sound pressure range is from 0 db to 120 db
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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