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  • There was no binocular diplopia or other complications
  • A 70 - year - old woman presented with diplopia for 1 year
  • After subtotal thyroidectomy , he still had diplopia in a certain gaze
  • A 29 - year - old male with a 5 - year - history of hyperthyroidism complained of diplopia and proptosis
  • 11 cases of superior oblique palsy were collected , with most common complaint of head tilt , diplopia , and squint
    摘要本篇提出本院自78年8月以来, 11例因上斜肌麻痹而接受手术治疗之病例。
  • We report a 45 - year - old female patient with ptosis , diplopia , anisocoria and restricted eye movements
  • Initial symptoms and signs of facial asymmetry , periorbital ecchymosis with upward gaze diplopia due to the fractures were noted and he was admitted for surgical treatment
  • We report a 70 - year - old man who presented with sudden onset of left eye proptosis , ptosis and diplopia after severe vomiting
  • Additional , bosseyed meeting brings about unusually retinal correspondence , although overcame diplopia , but strabismus also was secured , this kind of look side ways is very bad correctional
  • Common disabilities at the time of the follow - up evaluation included diplopia , loss of hearing , balance problems , and loss of sensation in the v1 and v2 cranial nerve distribution
    卡氏评分术前78 11 ,术后一年76 11 ,在最近的随访评估中84 9 .在随访中发现一些常见的残疾包括复视,听力丧失,平衡问题,三叉神经眼支和上颌支感觉障碍。
  • It's difficult to see diplopia in a sentence. 用diplopia造句挺难的
  • A 54 years - old male progressively developed ptosis , conjunctival vessels engorgement and tortuosity , eom limitation , diplopia and elevation of intraocular pressure of right eye following a motorcycle accident
如何用diplopia造句,用diplopia造句diplopia in a sentence, 用diplopia造句和diplopia的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。