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  • If a failback to the primary occurs , replication resumes
  • Install this update to extend the functionality of the dfs namespaces client failback feature
  • After that failure is removed , ha jms can go back to the original node to ensure the continuity and availability of jobs ( failback )
  • When client failback is configured , and clients have this update installed , clients will fail back to a preferred local server if the connection to that local server is restored
    配置了客户端故障恢复并且客户端已安装了本更新程序之后,客户端将故障恢复到一个首选本地服务器(如果到该本地服务器的连接已恢复) 。
  • When client failback is configured , and clients have this update installed , clients will fail back to a preferred local server if the connection to that local server is restored . after you install this item , you may have to restart your computer
  • For example , the administrator specifies that the partition for trading ibm stock runs primarily on server a , with a failover to server b . if server a restarts after a failover , it has a manual failback to server a . we can demonstrate failover times in seconds using this technology
    例如,管理员规定用于交易ibm股票的分区主要运行在服务器a上,故障转移至服务器b 。如果在故障转移之后重新启动服务器a ,则手动将故障回复到服务器a 。利用这一技术,我们可以用秒为单位来演示故障转移时间。
  • It's difficult to see failback in a sentence. 用failback造句挺难的
如何用failback造句,用failback造句failback in a sentence, 用failback造句和failback的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。