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  • It is not exactly clear when the bhagavad gita was written
  • The bhagavad gita refers to itself as an upanishad
    《博伽梵歌》指出了它自己本身就是一本“奥义书” 。
  • 200 bce : india - the mahabharata , of which the bhagavad gita is a part , is put into final form
    印度? ? 《摩河婆罗多》 , 《博伽梵歌》是其中一部分,最后成书。
  • I enjoyed shankara ' s philosophy , but i found the gita especially spiritual and philosophical
  • The bhagavad gita says that you become the witness sakshi swarup of the play of the divine
    薄伽梵歌bhagavad gita说你要成为无执著的静观者sakshi swarupa ,静观上天的戏剧。
  • Ralph waldo emerson ( 1803 - 1882 ) was one of the great admirers of oriental religious classics , notably the bhagavad gita
    拉尔夫?瓦尔多?爱默生( 1803 - 1882 )是古典东方宗教的伟大的崇拜者之一,尤其崇拜《薄伽梵歌》 。
  • Yes , if you believe in the bible . what about the people who prefer to believe in the koran or the " bhagavad gita , " etc . ? m
  • And what surprised me was that at that time i was having certain difficulties in my personal life , and i found that i could solve them by studying the gita
  • Squinting in the dim lights , i tried to see what he was reading . noticing mycuriosity , he said with affection , " this is bhagavad - gita , as it is .
    透过暗弱的光线,我想看看他读的究竟是什么书,他看到了我的意图,就充满情感地对我说: “这是《博伽梵歌原义》啊。 ”
  • Answer : in the early 1990s , i read the bhagavad gita and some works by shankara , some were available in chinese but most in english
  • It's difficult to see gita in a sentence. 用gita造句挺难的
  • Commonly referred to as the gita , it is a conversation between krishna and arjuna which takes place on a battlefield , just prior to the start of a climactic war
  • No one among humanity is dearer to me than the promulgator of bhagavad - gita and there will never be another more dearer to me , than he in this world
  • Astronomical evidence cited in the mahabharata place the incidents upon which the gita is based in the year 3137 bce , while the puranas suggest a date of c . 1924 bce
  • The current area takes what it can from the known history of the people of india , and incorporates some of the legends from their religious texts , the rig veda and the bhagavad gita
  • Scholarly estimates place the actual writing of the gita in the latter half of the 1st millennium bc ( roughly 4th century bc ) , making it a contemporary of the older upanishads
    学者们估计博伽梵歌的真正成书时间是公元前一千年的下半叶(粗糙地说是公元前四世纪) ,在同时代的更古老的《奥义书》的时期。
  • Thus ends the sri bhagavad - gita trust translation of srimad bhagavad - gita , chapter thirteen , entitled : ksetra - ksetrajna vibhaga yoga : the individual consciousness and the ultimate consciousness
  • These messengers from god left their teachings in the scriptures , such as the bible , the koran , the tao te ching , the bhagavad gita and buddhist scriptures . unfortunately , some of the contents of these scriptures have been changed in the translation of them .
  • It was getting late , so mr . wanderer picked up his only belonging , a haversack containing several copies of the bhagavad gita . he carried it on his back , as if he were bearing a cross , and walked toward the door . suddenly , he turned around , and with palms closed and seemingly anxious to express himself clearly , he uttered to me in broken english , word by word : " perhaps , tonight , god wants to give you . a present !
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