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  • You are a little groggy .
  • I get pretty groggy .
  • He ' s still groggy from the anaesthetic
  • The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy
  • I feel groggy now because i did not sleep well last night
  • I feel dizzy [ groggy , listless , sore all over , a bit chilly ]
    我头晕[身子软,没有精神,全身酸疼,有一点凉] 。
  • When i left my bed after my long illness , i felt too groggy to stand
  • The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident
  • That groggy state contrasts sharply with the rested feeling you have when you wake up naturally
  • " i get pretty groggy , " i said , " it ' s like a comic opera today . may be i ' m hungry .
    “我相当糊涂了, ”我说, “今天活象是一场滑稽戏。也许是我肚子饿了。 ”
  • It's difficult to see groggy in a sentence. 用groggy造句挺难的
  • " i ' m still feeling a bit groggy though . thanks to the lads as i didn ' t have much part to play in the second half
    “现在我还有一点头晕.我要感谢我的队友,因为我在比赛的下半场并没有踢很长的时间. ”
  • Sky sports ' touchline reporter jeff shreeves informed the watching public that terry had been taken to hospital feeling extremely groggy , with poor memory recall , but conscious
  • If you ve tried all the self care techniquies and you re still not sleeping , try herbal sleep tablets , which tend not to leave you feeling groggy in the morning
  • Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch ; human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more likely time to fall into deep ( slow - wave ) sleep , which will leave you groggy
  • The fact that the thread appeared to have trouble waking up let s call it groggy thread should lead us to a problem with thread scheduling or some way in which the cpu is just plain slower after a
    线程在苏醒时出现问题(让我们称它为醉线程)这一事实让我们去注意线程调度问题或者cpu在sleep ( )后很缓慢的情况。
  • By monitoring your sleep cycles , the sleeptracker finds those perfect moments and gently wakes you when you ' re most alert . the result ? you wake up refreshed instead of groggy
    通过对你的睡眠周期监控, “睡眠跟踪者”能够找到这些最佳状态,并在你最警觉的时候轻轻把你叫醒。结果怎么样呢?你醒来的时候会精神饱满,而不是昏昏欲睡。
  • The welterweight sergeantmajor had tapped some lively claret in the previous mixup during which keogh had been receivergeneral of rights and lefts , the artilleryman putting in some neat work on the pet s nose , and myler came on looking groggy
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