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  • In 1795, sugar loaf, about 100 feet high, with level top, on which are remains of intrenchments.
  • The Mahdists fought desperately, but were finally driven from their position, leaving hundreds of dead and wounded in and about the intrenchments.
  • They found a path which led behind the mountains, and, favored by a thick fog, they forced the intrenchments of the Spaniards and put them to flight.
  • Under cover of these demonstrations Crook moved out to the extreme right, and by an arduous march gained the enemy s left and rear, and, charging with splendid impetuosity, drove him from his intrenchments in utter confusion.
  • -- The $ 27.5 million environmental plan includes the purchase of land for creation of a greenway corridor along the Chattahoochee River and its tributaries, and a one-time cleanup along Clear Creek, Tanyard Creek, Proctor Creek, Utoy Creek, Intrenchment Creek, and part of the South River.
  • In an earlier letter dated 13 October 1775, Washington used a variation of the expression, stating, " whenever the Redcoat gentry pleases to step out of their Intrenchments . " Major General John Stark of the Continental Army was purported to have said during the Battle of Bennington ( 16 August 1777 ), " There are your enemies, the Red Coats and the Tories.
  • From this time the Bruttians as a people disappear from history : but their country again became the theatre of war during the revolt of Spartacus, who after his first defeats by Crassus, took refuge in the southernmost portion of Bruttium ( called by Plutarch the Rhegian peninsula ), in which the Roman general sought to confine him by drawing lines of intrenchment across the isthmus from sea to sea.
  • One perpendicular breastwork is still remaining, plainly indicating a parapet and ditch . " In 1833, another individual visiting the hill described " the remains of a wall which runs around the whole exactly on the brow, and within a deep ditch or intrenchment running round the whole summit . " In 1898, I . P . Shepard created a sketch of Spanish Hill, including the portions still visible at the time as well as those no longer extant.
  • And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to receive into the service of the United States, for the purpose of constructing intrenchments, or performing camp service or any other labor, or any military or naval service for which they may be found competent, persons of African descent, and such persons shall be enrolled and organized under such regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws, as the President may prescribe.
  • "" Lisnagade, or " the fort of a hundred, " is one of the most extensive and best-preserved of its kind : it consists of treble ramparts and intrenchments; the entrance is from the east, leading into an extensive circular enclosure, whence are obtained prospects of the entire country for many miles around, and a great number of forts or raths are seen, from which circumstance it is supposed this fort took its name, being the chief or centre of a hundred others : the fosses on every side are very deep, and it is remarkable that they are all paved at the bottom with rounded pebbles set in clay.
  • It's difficult to see intrenchments in a sentence. 用intrenchments造句挺难的
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