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  • I made you nauseous . - ln a good way . i was lovesick
  • - i made you nauseous . - ln a good way . i was lovesick
  • When she wakes up , she becomes lovesick and pines for her love
  • The doctor just diagnosed me as lovesick . - -
  • Zina : i really do not have time to deal with some 1 ) lovesick computer 2 ) geek
  • " sustain me with raisin cakes , refresh me with apples , because i am lovesick
    歌2 : 5求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力、给我苹果畅快我心因我思爱成病。
  • If left alone a single bird looks lovesick and won t sing any more . some are exported abroad by pairs
  • " i adjure you , o daughters of jerusalem , if you find my beloved , as to what you will tell him : for i am lovesick .
    歌5 : 8耶路撒冷的众女子阿、我嘱咐你们、若遇见我的良人、要告诉他、我因思爱成病。
  • : especially for single - frightened disease . efficient for lovelorn and lovesick people , also can widely applied to raising children and houseworking
  • The lovesick british excel themselves each valentine ' s day by buying up huge spaces in newspapers to fill with messages for a very special person
  • It's difficult to see lovesick in a sentence. 用lovesick造句挺难的
  • A lovesick girl shows up riding a black horse . the old man deems her appearance as a fatal crisis to his family , as his young son is now thinking of leaving the plain for the city
如何用lovesick造句,用lovesick造句lovesick in a sentence, 用lovesick造句和lovesick的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。