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  • " i cannot speak latin , " responded the marquise
    “我不敢说拉丁语。 ”侯爵夫人说。
  • Cried the marquise : " napoleon the type of equality
    侯爵夫人喊道, “拿破仑,平等的象征!
  • Exclaimed the angry marquise , " your folly exceeds all bounds
    侯爵夫人愤愤地说, “你真是太傻,太孩子气了。
  • Inquired the marquise
  • Cried the marquise
  • Asked the marquise
  • Said the marquise
  • " with all my heart , " replied the marquise ; " let the past be forever forgotten
    “好了, ”侯爵夫人说道“让我们永远忘记过去的事吧!
  • S was doomed . as the marquis had promised , villefort found the marquise and ren e in waiting
  • Sophie marceau is dazzling as the alluring marquise : she captivates at every scene
    苏菲-玛索扮演的玛吉光彩照人:在每个场景她都牢牢得吸引住了观众的视线。 。
  • It's difficult to see marquise in a sentence. 用marquise造句挺难的
  • " come , come , my friend , " interrupted the marquise , " do not neglect your duty to linger with us
    “快去吧,我的朋友, ”侯爵夫人插进来说, “别因为和我们呆在一起而疏忽了你的职责。
  • Marquise : to survive , one needs to be . and i don ' t want just to survive , i want to live life now
  • E shuddered . " never mind that foolish girl , villefort , " said the marquise . " she will soon get over these things .
    “别听那傻姑娘唠叨了,维尔福, ”侯爵夫人说, “她不久就会听惯这些事情的。 ”
  • " and one which will go far to efface the recollection of his father s conduct , " added the incorrigible marquise
    “而且可以洗刷掉他父亲的行为给人们种下的印象。 ”本性难移的侯爵夫人又接上一句。
  • " you will present my excuses to the marquise and mademoiselle ren e , whom i leave on such a day with great regret .
    “您代我向夫人和蕾妮小姐表示歉意吧,我今天就这样离开她们,的确是非常抱歉的。 ”
  • And there is something in this room which reminds me forcibly of the chamber of the marquise de ganges or desdemona
  • " if the marquise will deign to repeat the words i but imperfectly caught , i shall be delighted to answer , " said m . de villefort
    “如果侯爵夫人愿意把刚才的话再说一遍,我是非常乐于答复。 ”福尔维先生说。
  • " my love , " said the marquise , " attend to your doves , your lap - dogs , and embroidery , but do not meddle with what you do not understand
    “宝贝, ”侯爵夫人说, “你不要去照顾一下鸽子,你的小狗和刺绣吧,别来干预那些你根本不懂的事。
  • Come , now , i have hopes of obtaining what i have been for years endeavoring to persuade the marquise to promise ; namely , a perfect amnesty and forgetfulness of the past .
    这几年来,我总在劝侯爵夫人,忘掉过去的事情,但从未成功过,但愿你能替我说服她。 ”
  • It is a center established by the mormons and seven polynesian tribes are presen ted including samoa , maori , fiji , hawaii , tonga , tahiti and marquises islands . the tribes a
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