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  • Gwen smiled mischievously .
  • Ruth tolson : [ smiling mischievously ] not me
    鲁思?托尔林(淘气地一笑) :不是我。
  • She said , still mischievously inclined
  • “ i have never been to bookmakers but my salary against your salary ” he challenged mischievously
    “我从没和博采公司联系过,但我敢用自己的薪水对上你的(来赌) 。 ”他俏皮地说道。
  • She looked at him mischievously , though deep down she was already regretting that she had not preferred her largest request
  • But she had nought for her teeth but the arm with which i held her and in that she nibbled mischievously when i pressed too dose
  • Now and then , he might mischievously touch us for a brief moment , and then go out to play by himself , though there were also times when he would sit with us for a short while
  • " oh , a story about the black man , " answered pearl , taking hold of her mother s gown , and looking up , half earnestly , half mischievously , into her face
    “噢,讲个关于黑男人的故事吧, ”珠儿回答着,一边攥住她母亲的袍子,一边又真诚又调皮地抬头盯着母亲的面孔。
  • How much of a jerk do you have to be to oppose immigration ? that question is mischievously posed , and ingeniously answered , in a recent post on “ younotsneaky ” , an economics blog
  • The count , who perceived that m . and madame de villefort were beginning to speak in parables , appeared to pay no attention to the conversation , and feigned to be busily engaged in watching edward , who was mischievously pouring some ink into the bird s water - glass
  • It's difficult to see mischievously in a sentence. 用mischievously造句挺难的
  • Tess s female companions sang songs , and showed themselves very sympathetic and glad at her reappearance out of doors , though they could not refrain from mischievously throwing in a few verses of the ballad about the maid who went to the merry green wood and came back a changed state
  • With a glance she saw that he had lost none of his recent civility ; and , to imitate his politeness , she began , as they met , to admire the beauty of the place ; but she had not got beyond the words " delightful , " and " charming , " when some unlucky recollections obtruded , and she fancied that praise of pemberley from her might be mischievously construed
    她偷偷一看,只见他正象刚才一样,没有一点儿失礼的地方,于是她也仿效着他那彬彬有礼的样子,开始赞赏这地方的美丽风光,可是她刚刚开口说了几声“动人” “妩媚” ,心里又起了一个不愉快的念头。她想,她这样赞美彭伯里,不是会叫人家曲解吗?
如何用mischievously造句,用mischievously造句mischievously in a sentence, 用mischievously造句和mischievously的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。