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  • Medill faculty , students receive gifts from nader
  • There had been many significant consumer crusades before nader
  • Consumer advocate ralph ( ? ) nader has announced he will run for us president
  • Nader wrote a letter to the japanese prime minister and held a press conference in tokyo
  • Nader , laura & harry f . todd jr ed . the disputing process : law in ten societies , new york : columbia university press . 1978
    儒攀基奇: 《刑法? ?刑罚理念批判》 ,何慧新等译,北京,中国政法大学出版社, 2002 。
  • In 1970 , for example , nader visited japan and discovered that japanese auto companies had two separate production lines for otherwise identical cars
    举例来说, 1970年,内德访问了日本,发现日本的汽车制造厂用两条不同的生产线生产看上去完全一样的汽车。
  • The corvair was discontinued in 1969 , but meanwhile gm had hired private detectives to tail nader in an attempt to dig up information that might discredit him
  • But apart from such occasional expos s and sporadic movements for reform , consumers as a group did not exert a significant , ongoing force in the conduct of public affairs until ralph nader came along
  • With nader ' s prodding , congress enacted a new federal agency , the national highway traffic safety administration , which obliged the american auto industry to devote more of its considerable resources to auto safety
  • Dr karim nader , from the department of psychology in mcgill university in montreal , said : " memory research is undergoing a transformation - no longer is memory thought to be a hard - wiring of the brain , instead it seems to be a process of storage and re - storage
    蒙特利尔市麦基尔大学心理学系的卡里姆纳德博士说: “记忆力研究正在转型记忆不再被认为是大脑的硬件,而似乎是一个储存和再储存的过程。
  • It's difficult to see nader in a sentence. 用nader造句挺难的
  • This remarkable incident catapulted unsafe at any speed to the top of the best - seller lists and underscored nader ' s conviction that one person , acting with intelligence and persistence , can make a difference - even if the target is the largest corporation in the world
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