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  • I could not avoid communicating to her something of what lay hardest upon my mind and particularly the narrowness of my circumstance .
  • His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyalties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm .
  • You all should rise above the clouds of ignorance , narrowness , and selfishness
  • Appropriate warning signs are erected at both ends to advise drivers on the narrowness of the road and to give way to buses
  • Waistlines , they said , were an easily recognised sign of fertility and health , and men evolved to associate narrowness with desirability
  • Higher oxygen concentrations , the presence of combustibles , and the narrowness of the surgical field during endolaryngeal diode laser surgery are risk factors for airway fires
  • Due to the narrowness of the room and because it was difficult to navigate the wheelchairs , he approached every member personally to hand out autograph cards , pose for photos and answer more questions
  • My enemy today is narrowness : of outlook , of experience , of taste , of personality , and waist size ( this last one is purely personal and need not concern ft readers )
    我现在的敌人是狭窄:视野狭窄、经验狭窄、品味狭窄、个性狭窄、腰围狭窄(最后一个完全是个人的,无需让英国《金融时报》读者操心) 。
  • But that ' s precisely because they are about aristocrats and urban intellectuals looking askance at " life in a foreign land . " when you really get down to it , my narrowness comes from having grown up in the city
  • Innocently as the slight had been inflicted , it was somewhat unfortunate that she had encountered the sons and not the father , who , despite his narrowness , was far less starched and ironed than they , and had to the full the gift of charity
  • It's difficult to see narrowness in a sentence. 用narrowness造句挺难的
  • He was not unduly egotistic . he measured the narrowness of their minds by the minds of the thinkers in the books he read . at ruth s home he never met a large mind , with the exception of professor caldwell , and caldwell he had met there only once
  • Study of chinese by the research - like means is put forward to implement the idea of " student development oriented " , embody the main body position of student , emphasize the cultivation of humanism , break the narrowness of chinese class , prompt the creativity of student
  • From the pressure of living space in a country to the narrowness of private space , even the difficult question of survival or destroy in philosophical choice . there is a dilemma because of the infinitive utility space and its limited maxi - mum arrangement
  • The remote measurement system of the torque was designed , used wireless transmitter and receiver devices to transmit the signals , avoiding the errors which brought by slip ring , and solving the problems that are the space narrowness or connecting difficulty for the moving objects
  • Actually , a variety of pre - communicative approaches , inductive or deductive , have dealt seriously with language use and practice , but no one alone has succeeded in doing so due to their individual partialness and narrowness resulting from their adoption of either empiricism or rationalism only
  • According to the analysis of the current status of information technology education in china , the author find that there are many problems , such as the narrowness of the understanding of the goal of information technology course , the simplification of instructional methods were not adapting to the new objectives
  • The narrow lane of stubble encompassing the field grew wider with each circuit , and the standing corn was reduced to smaller area as the morning wore on . rabbits , hares , snakes , rats , mice , retreated inwards as into a fastness , unaware of the ephemeral nature of their refuge , and of the doom that awaited them later in the day when , their covert shrinking to a more and more horrible narrowness , they were huddled together , friends and foes , till the last few yards of upright wheat fell also under the teeth of the unerring reaper , and they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters
  • With the development of the economy , the progress of the society and the promotion of the legal administrative procession , the narrowness of current chinese range of accepting cases in administrative reconsideration has hindered the efficient exertion of the administrative reconsideration functions and the maintaining of the
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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